Are you looking to start your own credit repair business? Then choosing the right credit repair software program for your business is an important decision to make.
Having a quality software program will allow you to work more on your business instead of worrying about running the day to day operations. Instead, spend your time on high ROI activities such as generating new leads. Let your software program follow up with your leads, track your current clients, and keep you up to date on all legal aspects of running a credit repair business.
As you are researching how to start a credit repair business, one of the key aspects you will find is the need to have a quality credit repair software program. Some software programs are sold as a one-time download onto your computer, but these can come with a hefty price tag and require constant updating.
If you are looking to get started with a low monthly fee then choosing a cloud based software might be a better choice for you. Do you want to build your team, or want to be able to work from anywhere? Then again, you should probably choose a cloud based credit repair software program for your business needs.
Cloud based software will also update automatically without you having to do anything. This will free you up to actually work on your business instead of in it. As with anything in business, do your research before investing.
Below are the top 9 features your software needs to have for you to be able to effectively and efficiently run your business. Keep this list handy as you do your research for your credit repair software.
Credit Repair Software: 9 Features Every Software Needs
1. Credit Repair Training

The entire credit repair dispute process can be long and confusing. Credit repair is more than simple disputes. You need to know that you are acting within the law and in the best interest of your clients.
Learning the process of credit repair is vital to your business staying legal and profitable. Don’t start your business without the proper training. Learning the details can be confusing and daunting.
But with the amazing videos that are included in our credit repair software, you can quickly learn the entire process from beginning to end. These videos are on-demand and available as soon as you sign up with Client Dispute Manager. Watch them on your own time and as you walk through your credit repair training.
You will be able to run your credit repair business knowing that you are staying within the law and running an ethical business. The training videos alone are worth the price of the software program.
2. Software Training Videos

When you purchase a software program for your credit repair business, you want to ensure that it comes with step by step training on how to use it. The software training videos included in Client Dispute Manager walk you through every single feature included. This will ensure that you know you are using it to its fullest value.
Don’t worry; our software is very user friendly. You won’t be wasting your valuable time trying to learn how to the use it. Instead you will be able to follow the videos and get your business up and running quickly.
The training videos are available to watch any time you need to brush up on your skills. You can watch them on-demand whenever you need to. As you are learning to set up your business, watch the step by step videos on how to properly set up your business with our software program.
3. Lead Generation
Do you know how to generate new customers? With our Client Dispute Manager software you get step by step videos on how to generate leads for your business. A business without customers will go out of business quickly.
In fact, this is the number one reason most credit repair businesses go out of business. With our step by step tutorials you will learn the best step by step system how to continually generate new leads, even while you are sleeping.
Without a systematic process for generating new leads consistently you will not be able to run a successful and profitable business. Don’t let this become the future of your business; grow your business with the included videos in our credit repair software.
4. How to run a credit repair business
Running a credit repair business is more than just knowing how to repair credit. You need to also know how to run your own business. The Client Dispute Manager Software program includes step by step videos on how to run a credit repair business.
This training is invaluable and ensures that your business will be sustainable for the long run. From learning how to talk to customers, how to write contracts, the videos that are included in our credit repair software will walk you through each important asset of running your successful business.
Don’t waste your time trying to learn this information from various sources. Shorten your learning curve by learning from the many videos in the Client Dispute Manager software. You will be able to start making money much sooner by learning how to run your credit repair business the right way.
Even if you already know everything there is to know about fixing credit, learning to run a business can be a daunting task. Take the guess work out of starting your own credit repair business with our tailor made training videos.
5. Email Automation
Staying in front of your customers will ensure that they are happy and knowledgeable about what you are doing for them. Don’t leave your customers wondering what they are getting for their service with you. Set up your email system to automatically send regular emails to your customers.
Don’t worry; you don’t need to bombard your clients with constant emails. As well know every one already has over-filled inboxes these days. However, weekly or bi-weekly updates with information about credit repair will show them that their money is well spent.
With the Client Dispute Manager Software program you will not need to worry about having a separate email service provider for your business. There is an email program built right into the program. You can schedule automatic emails to be sent to your clients without you having to do anything after set up.
6. Automation of your client onboarding
As you grow your customer list, you don’t want to be tied to your laptop sending out every email and contract. With the right credit repair software you should be able to automatically send out these points of contact.
Each time a potential future customer comes to your website and asks for information on repairing their credit; your software program should automatically send this information as well as start your welcome series funnel to move this future client into a current client.
The Client Dispute Manager automates this entire process for you. Once you set up this welcome series, you can set it and forget it. New and future customers will get the information from you automatically. This will keep your business in front of your future clients and they will think of you when they need help with their credit repair.
7. Constant updates
The best part of choosing cloud based software over a program you download onto your program is that you don’t have to worry about updating it. The Client Dispute Manager will check for updates regularly and stay up to date with all future changes for you.
You have a business to run. You can’t be checking for updates all the time. Don’t worry about having to check for updates with our credit repair software program. Choose a credit repair software program that will run in the background and keep you updated. This will allow you to actually work your business and grow you client list.
Additionally, as there are changes in the laws with credit repair, you know that the software will update immediately to ensure that your business is operating within the laws regarding credit repair.
8. Ability to grow when you grow
As you are checking out different credit repair software programs, be sure to see if they include upgrades as your business grows. You don’t want to outgrow your software and then have to switch to a new program.
Can you start your business with a simple Google spreadsheet to track your client information? Yes, but you will quickly outgrow this form of CRM and will need to switch to something new and more robust.
Don’t waste your time having to enter all your customer information again when you start a new program later on. The Client Dispute Manager will grow with you and your business grows, streamlining your process and ensuring that you won’t have to switch programs later on down the road.
9. Support: Phone, Email, Chat, and Facebook group
As you are growing your credit repair business, it is imperative to know that your business software program is fully supported. Whether they offer customer support via phone, email or online chat, you want to know that you can get your questions answered in a timely manner.
With our Credit Repair Software, you not only get all this, but we also offer an active and helpful Facebook group where you can get all your questions answered. Join our Facebook group here. With the Client Dispute Manager Software program you are in business for yourself, but you don’t have to do it all by yourself.
Support is offered via phone, email and online chat during normal business hours. You will be able to rest assured that your questions will be answered in a timely manner. And if it is the weekend, or you are just looking for some encouragement from other credit repair business owners, the Facebook group is a great resource for you.
You will be able to connect with like-minded individuals who know exactly what you are going through. This form of community is so important for those of us in business for ourselves.
Doing your research before investing in anything in your business is important. As you are researching the software program you will use for your credit repair business, keep this list handy. You will want to ensure that whatever you choose offers all these features listed above.
Between training, automation, and customer support you will ask a lot from your software as you run your credit repair business. Be sure to find one that will check all the boxes and provide all the features you need. With a software program as complete as the Client Dispute Manager you will be able to rest assured knowing that it does provide everything you need.
There are a lot of facets to running your own business. Having a quality credit repair software program will support all of these facets. You want to know that you will be spending your time growing your business and bringing in new clients. Don’t waste your precious time trying to use outdated or incomplete software programs.
Running a business will require that you use a quality software program. From customer management to email management, your business software will need to work as hard as you do. You want a program that will work for you, from sending contracts to new clients and keeping your business in front of current clients, choose one that does it all.
With Client Dispute Manager you won’t have to worry, all nine of these features are available the minute you sign up for your free 30 day trial here. Sign up today and see for yourself. After 30 days I don’t think you will want to try any other program. This is the one complete “business in a box” that will allow you to run your credit repair business even while you sleep.
So, as you are starting your business, be sure to choose the right credit repair software program that will ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently. You work hard, your software should too.
Bonus: Now that you have read this article, why not take your new skill and start your own credit business helping others? We have free training that can help you do just that.
Click here to learn more.