In this article, We will discuss how to write the perfect dispute letter when trying to dispute inaccurate information for your credit report to the credit bureaus. We have a special gift for you at the end of this article. So, make sure you are grabbing your gifts at the end of this article.

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What is the Perfect Dispute Letter?

The perfect dispute letter is what says everything you need inside of a letter that it’s going to work for the credit bureaus. Every little element you need inside of a letter that the credit bureaus need to properly investigate your dispute when you send it out to the credit bureaus.

The following pertinent information should have in your letter that will help you get your credit back on track to do everything you want in life.

  • Full Name
  • Address
  • Date Of Birth
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Date of Disputing
  • Creditor’s Name
  • Account Number

What are You Disputing?

What is a Medical Collection Account? A past-due medical bill that has been sent to a collection agency can significantly impact your credit score. Typically, medical collections are reported to credit bureaus after 60 to 180 days of non-payment, depending on the provider’s policies.

When you are writing a dispute letter, add the answer to these questions:

  • What is it that you’re disputing?
  • What is the purpose of your disputes?
  • What is the reason why you’re disputing?
  • What do you want the credit bureau to do?

If you’re sending the dispute out on behalf of your customer, then you don’t need to sign it. 

What to Include in the Letter.

The first thing we want to talk about is your full name. Make sure you have your full name in the letter. The next thing is that you want to ensure you have your full address because you don’t want to give the credit bureaus any reason they should deny your dispute. So make sure you have your full name and have your up to date address in the letter itself.

Next is the date of birth. So you want to make sure you have your date of birth & full social security number in the letter because the credit bureaus have to verify that you are sending this letter. You need to give the credit bureau all the necessary elements to investigate your credit report. The credit bureaus are a big machine, and you are just one social security number to them. So if you give them everything they need, they’re going to investigate your dispute.

Let’s talk about the Date. Why do we need the Date? Why is it so important? You need the Date on every single letter that you send out to the credit bureau to track the date you’re sending the letter. Don’t forget the creditor’s name and the account number. What is the purpose of that? When you look at the credit report, make sure you grab the creditor’s name, so the credit bureau knows whom you are disputing. If you leave out some of these critical things, you will face issues with the credit bureau.

When The Bureaus Respond?

Receiving greeting card. Close up of young man opening envelope and smiling while standing indoors

Remember, the credit bureaus have 30 days to investigate the letter, but you have to allow five days for the mail. So five days for the mail to go out and five days to come back to you. So even though the credit Bureau has 30 days to investigate your dispute, that starts from the day they receive it. Not from the day that you mail it. It’s from the day that they receive it.

Account Numbers

Put the account number inside of the letter as well. Ensure you have the creditor’s name & account number inside the letter. This stuff is critical because if you miss a creditor’s name and the account number, the credit bureaus are not going to investigate. They will send you a letter back and state that they’re missing information, which will cause a long delay.

Reasons for Your Disputes

The next thing you want to have in your letter is the reason for your Disputing. You have to tell them what you are disputing and explain why you are disputing this. You can’t just say, “I’m disputing this.” You have to give them a reason for the dispute. It has to be a factual dispute, meaning it’s something really wrong with your credit report. 

For example, if you are trying to get an inaccurate item off your credit report, you have to give the credit bureaus a valid reason by explaining why you feel this account is inaccurate and why they should investigate it?

Now, what do you want the credit bureau to do? Do you want them to investigate it? Do you want them to correct this matter? Do you want them to remove it from your credit report? So you have to tell them exactly what you want them to do

Be your own boss. Set your own schedule and travel when you want. Start a credit business today. Click here to get everything you need for FREE plus Dispute Letter Templates.

Signing the Document.

A lot of people ask, “Should I sign the letter?” Yes. It’s you. You are the one that’s disputing it, right? So you’re sending this to the credit bureaus yourself.

Is it mandatory that you sign the document? No, it’s not mandatory that you sign the document, but a lot of lawyers that I’ve talked to, they said it’s a good idea that you do sign the document, that you do sign this letter. From a legal perspective, a lot of lawyers that I’ve talked to, they said that by signing the letter, if it’s you, then it gives the letter a little bit more weight with the credit bureaus.

That the credit bureaus feel that this letter is coming from you. But is it required that you sign letter? No, it’s not required that you sign the letter. I mean, when I was working on my own credit report, I’d never sign the letter and the credit bureau still investigated my dispute. So it’s not mandatory that you sign the letter but like I said, some of my lawyer friends said that if you can sign the letter and you’re working on your own credit report, you should sign the letter to give it some authenticity to the credit bureau. So especially if you have to sue them one day.


Let’s go ahead and recap really quick. What is the perfect dispute letter?  Some of the key points of the perfect dispute letter:

~ Your full name

~ Full address

~ Date of birth

~ Social security number

~ The date that you’re sending the letter out

~ The creditor’s name

~ The account number

~ Your dispute and your dispute reason for your dispute

~ What you want the credit bureau to do

~ Signing the letter

And like I said before I have some special gifts for you right now. The first thing I’m going to give you is a dispute letter checklist. So if you ever want a checklist on what to check for when you’re sending out your first dispute round, I’m going to give you, for free, a dispute letter checklist.

I’m going to give free 3 Powerful Dispute Letters to Get the Job Done, so you can go out there and work on your credit report to help you improve your credit report, to help you remove inaccurate information on your credit score.

So all you have to do right now, anywhere in this post just click the link, anywhere you see a link to get your free gifts. Again, I want to give you a checklist on how to, when you’re sending your first dispute letter out, what to check for when you’re trying to build this perfect dispute letter, I want to give you this checklist. I also want to give you three powerful dispute letters that you can use to get the job done, and also help you remove inaccurate information off of your credit report.