Great Ways to Educate Your Clients Through Manage Portal Content

manage portal content on credit repair software for business


These are the articles or training materials that would be available. Your customers can access them using their client tracking portal on Credit Repair Software For Business, where they can read through them if needed.


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Educating your customers is something that you can benefit from. First, you need to understand that educating your customers by providing them with articles they can read is not the same as marketing.


To access the manage portal content in the credit repair software for business, first, you need to go to the company tab.

credit repair software for business manage portal content feature


Then under the company menu option, you will see the manage portal content.

manage portal content on software for credit repair business


In this area, you can add content that will display in the client tracking portal of your customer.

add content on manage portal content


By default, these are the articles available that your customer can access using their client tracking portal.

articles available on credit repair software for business


In this section, you’ll see the title of the articles, which you can edit.

title of the article for manage portal content on client dispute manager software


Over here is the status of each article. It can be active or inactive. Active means it can be seen by your customers in their portal, and inactive means it’s not accessible in your customer’s portal.

active or inactive customers on software for credit repair for business


This column is for knowing the type of article; it can be default or custom. Default means it was provided by the software already, and custom means it was added by you.

type of article on software for credit repair business


Then we have the actions column where you can see the edit title, content, and Deactivate icons.

edit and customize articles on client dispute manager software


If you want to edit the title of the article, click this icon under the actions column.

edit the title for softwre for credit repair software for business


To customize the content of the article, click this icon under the actions column.

customize the content on credit repair software for business
Be your own boss. Set your own schedule and travel when you want.
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Then you can change the status of the article by clicking this icon.

change the status of the article on client tracking portal of client dispute manager software


If you want to create your own article, click the create new button.

create new button on software for credit repair business


All the articles in the manage portal content can be accessed using the client tracking portal of your customer.

client tracking portal login on client dispute manager software


Once your customer has successfully logged in to their portal, they need to go to the education section of the client tracking portal.

client tracking portal education on credit repair software for business


Then your customer will see the articles in your manage portal content.

article in manage portal content on software for credit repair business


Providing customer education on Client Dispute Manager Software would help you build your customer’s trust in your business, enhance loyalty, and create a long-term relationship.


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