Automate Your Customer Interview

smart interviewer feature


A smart interviewer is an automated process for you to be able to interview your client to better assess and understand the history of their accounts. It will also help you to know their feedback and insights about each account found in their credit report. It’s a good thing Client Dispute Manager Software has this feature to offer wherein you can gather your customer’s feedback fast using the smart interview feature.


If you’ve been in the credit repair industry for quite some time, you’ve probably done some interviews with your customers manually in the past. You interviewed them over the phone, set up a video call interview, or had a personal meeting with them. Doing any of these requires a lot of time, effort, and patience.


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It is because most of the time your customers are on the go and busy with their stuff, just like you are. However, no matter how busy your customer is, interviewing them about their credit report is important. This is one of the best practices that you can use to understand what happened to each account and what strategy you can use in handling their disputes such as what reasons to put in their letters.


For you to save a lot of your time and your customers’ as well, Client Dispute Manager Software developed this feature, which we called the smart interviewer process. The smart interview is an automated process of interviewing your client.


How to use the Smart Interview inside the Client Dispute Manager Software?

Before sending the smart interview process to your customer, ensure you import their credit report first in the credit repair software.


To import your customer’s credit report, go to import reports/analysis.

client dispute manager smart interviewer feature


If you don’t have the report yet either the analysis or the analyzer, click the dropdown for run analysis/analyzer to import the report of your customer.

client dispute manager software


Then select a client.

smart interviewer feature on client dispute manager software


Click the dropdown for the report type to select which credit monitoring service your customer is using.

client dispute manager smart interviewer dropdown menu to select type


Note: The smart interviewer will only work if your customer is using any credit monitoring like SmartCredit, Identity IQ, myScoreIQ, and PrivacyGuard.


As soon as you’re done importing the credit report of your customer. You may now proceed to the customer screen.

client dispute manager software


Then use the search box to look for your customer.

client dispute manager software


Once you pull out the customer you’re looking for, ensure they are on active status before sending the smart interviewer. They will access the smart interviewer that you sent using their client tracking portal.

client tracking portal on best credit repair software


However, if the status of your customer is not active, you can simply click the dropdown on the status column and then change it to active.

drop down to select state on smart interview screen


Then a popup box will appear stating the client tracking portal login was sent to your customer.

client dispute manager software


Once you’re good with the status of your customer click the customer’s name.

client dispute manager software training on smart interviewer feature


Then you’ll be routed to the customer’s profile where you can see the smart interviewer and then click the box to send it to your customer.

client dispute manager software


A popup box will appear stating that the smart interview will only show once your customer logs into the client tracking portal.

best credit repair software client tracking portal popup on CDMS


Once your customer login to their client tracking portal.

client dispute manager software


The first thing that they will see is the smart interviewer popup and then they need to click start the interview for them to begin the automated interview process.

client dispute manager software


Once they start the interview, they will go through 3 different steps: account explanation, document, and review & finish.

client dispute manager software


1st Step: Account Explanation


In the account explanation, your customer will be able to go through each account and they can put their explanation if they found any inconsistencies.

account explanation on smart interviewer feature


Your customer needs to click the “+” sign to check the accounts and put their explanation if they found any discrepancies under personal information, negative accounts, public records, and inquiries.

best credit repair software options for adding customers explanation for smart imterview
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For example, under personal information, if your customer found wrong information under his/her name just simply click the explanation.

client dispute manager software


Next, your customer can put his/her explanation inside the text box and click save.

customers explanation for wrong information


Same process as well when it comes to providing explanations for negative accounts, public records, and inquiries. Once your customer is done with his/her explanations of the discrepancies found. He/She may now proceed with the next step.


2nd Step: Document


In the document section, your customer can upload any document to support the explanation they provided. They will be able to provide any documents related to the explanation they provided.


Note: Maximum file upload is 50MB.
Formats supported: .doc, .docx, .jpg, .png, .pdf


smart interviewer


For example, under personal information, if they explained to correct certain information, they can upload proof as a supporting document by clicking the browse & upload.

document upload box on smart credit for smart interviewer feature


After your customer uploads all the documents he/she may now proceed to the last step.


3rd Step: Review & Finish


In the review and finish screen, this is where your customer can review thoroughly the information they provided.

review and finish screen for smart interviewer


Click the edit button if your customer wants to make some changes to his/her explanation or documents uploaded.

edit screen on smart interviewer feature
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Once your customer is all good with all the information and documents provided.  Then go to the box below for your customer to draw their signature then click save.

digital signature box on client dispute manager smart interviewer feature


That’s the end of the smart interviewer your customer can now print the signed copy for his/her reference from the best credit repair software.

client dispute manager software


You’ll receive a notification inside the best credit repair software once your customer is done with the smart interviewer.

completed interview screen


Then you’ll be routed to the customer’s screen who finished the smart interviewer. Click the customer’s name.

client dispute manager software training


On your customer’s profile, you’ll see the notification for the smart interviewer icon.

client dispute manager interview


Once you clicked the icon, you’ll see the status of the smart interviewer, and click the view icon to see the results of the interview.

smart interview result on client dispute manager software


In the smart interviewer results, you’ll see the explanation of your customer under the explanation section that you can use in doing your dispute letters on Client Dispute Manager Software.

smart interview result screen


To start doing your disputes and use the explanation your customer provided on the smart interviewer, go back to the customer’s information then click the dispute green button.

smart interviewer feature


You’ll be routed to the dispute manager screen.  If you will create a dispute under credit bureaus, creditors, and collectors you’ll see the smart interviewer click that so you can use it in doing your disputes.

credit repair software for auto interview


And a popup box will appear showing the smart interviewer results.

smart interviewer result page on client dispute manager software


The smart interviewer is a great feature but make sure to review the interview your customer filled out because it would help you a lot to create a strategy that you can use to create a good dispute letter using the best credit repair software.


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