Automate Your Tasks With Zapier

automate task with zapier on credit repair software for business


Zapier is a third-party platform that allows you to connect credit repair software for business with over a thousand platforms. It also allows you to further automate tasks so that you don’t need to do everything manually. Zapier helps you get things done, saving much of your time.

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To access Zapier in the credit repair software for business, you need to go to the company tab.

zapier on credit repair software for business


Then under the company menu option, click notification/automation.

notification on credit repair software for business


Instantly, you will be routed to the notification and automation screen, where you can manage your automation features and notification.

software for credit repair zapier feature


Under the notification/automation screen, you will see the following: manager notifications, 1-click print automation with Letterstream, SMS with Twilio, Zapier integration, follow-up letter due date change, and change password.

features of zapier software for credit repair


Then go to Zapier integration.

zapier features on software for credit repair business


In this section, you will see the 3 steps to set up and understand the Zapier integration and how it works.

zapier steps automate with zapier


It is still best for you to go through each step accordingly so you can make sure that you create your Zapier account and integrate it successfully.


The 1st step is to create a free Zapier account by clicking on this icon.

zapier first steps on client dispute manager software
Be your own boss. Set your own schedule and travel when you want.
Start a credit business today. Click to learn more.

For the 2nd step, you can watch the get-started video to learn more about the integration.

zapier 2nd step of automate with zapier


3rd step: if you want to expand your knowledge about Zapier, you can watch other training videos available on YouTube by clicking on this icon.

3rd step of zapier on software for credit repair business


This is where you can get your Zapier credentials to connect Zapier to client dispute manager software.

zapier credentials screen


Then over here, you will see the automation workflows.

automation workflow on credit repair software for business


Once you click the automation workflows you will be routed to this Zapier Automation.


Each article has a training video that you can watch if you get lost in the navigation.

training on client dispute manager software


Allowing you to have the capability to take your business processes to the next level means freedom. Freedom can lead you to success. You can fully automate your tasks and focus on scaling your business.


Bonus: Now that you have read this article, why not take your new skill and start your own credit business helping others? We have free training that can help you do just that.
Click here to learn more.



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