Recommend What Benefits You and Your Customer! Learn How To Add Your Affiliate Links

client dispute manager software affiliate


Credit monitoring services are becoming popular these days because they allow people to identify fraud issues. Not only that but a lot of them sign up for credit monitoring services to monitor and improve their score.


So, if you need another revenue stream aside from your credit repair business, then start becoming an affiliate and start selling and promoting credit monitoring services. It will help individuals assess their current creditworthiness and also help you, as a credit repair business owner, to make disputes and an extra stream of income.


If your customer doesn’t have credit monitoring yet, you can ask them to sign up and provide them with your affiliate link to earn more.


Be your own boss. Set your own schedule and travel when you want.
Start a credit business today. Click to learn more.


There are 2 ways to add your affiliate link inside the Client Dispute Manager Software.

  1. By going to the company’s tab under credit monitoring.

  2. By going to the company’s tab under client auto sign up.




Go to the company tab and click credit monitoring.

client dispute manager software affiliate


If you don’t have an affiliate link yet, you can sign up with our recommended affiliate.

credit repair software affiliate


If you have your affiliate link already, scroll down a bit and click add your affiliate link.

CDMS affiliate portal


Click edit and put your affiliate link.

client dispute manager software affiliate training


Then click the update button.

affiliate links on client dispute manager software



 Go to the company tab of the Client Dispute Manager Software and click client auto signup.

client dispute manager software affiliation
Be your own boss. Set your own schedule and travel when you want.
Start a credit business today. Click to learn more.

Next go to the credit monitoring setting.

affiliation on credit repair software


Click edit and put your affiliate link.

CDMS affiliation


Then click the update button.

client dispute manager software affiliate


You have an option as well as to which credit monitoring services you prefer to use.

Just simply turn on the ones you want to use and turn off those that you don’t want.

affiliate portal for client dispute manager software


Becoming an affiliate with other platforms like credit monitoring services and having the ability to integrate them into our credit repair software will allow you to grow your business further.


Bonus: Now that you have read this article, why not take your new skill and start your own credit business helping others? We have free training that can help you do just that. 
Click here to learn more.



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