
Remove Late Payments from your Credit Report successfully

Remove Late Payments from your Credit Report successfully

Why is it important to remove late payment record?

Late payments could get really troublesome when it comes to your credit score calculation. Plus if prompt action is not taken to remove them they can stay up for seven years on your credit report.  But with this article you will get to know three simple yet proven tips that will help to remove late payments from credit report.

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Approach your creditor for a Goodwill Adjustment to remove late payments from credit report


Requesting your original creditor for a Goodwill Adjustment should be your first line of action. It is pretty straightforward but works out quite well. But how easily you are able to get a Goodwill Adjustment largely depends upon your past payment record. If you have been paying quite regularly without any delays, most creditors will grant you adjustment without much trouble.


To request for a goodwill adjustment all you have to do is to write a letter to your creditor asking him to grant the adjustment by clearly explaining your current financial situation. 


This is also referred to a forgiveness letter as you actually ask your creditor to “forgive” your late payments and adjust the credit report accordingly. A convincing letter outlining a genuine reason for your late payments would surely help you clear it off from the credit report.



Try bargaining by agreeing to sign up for automatic payments


Now that’s another good way of negotiating with your creditor to remove your late payments and clear off the credit report. You can agree to sign up for automatic payments in return for late payment adjustments. 


This will help you to keep track of the pending payments and your creditor will eventually be ensured that he receives due payments on time. Following this step all future payments would be directly withdrawn from your bank account. That’s why this method should only be approached if a Goodwill Adjustment doesn’t get through.


Dispute the late payment as inaccurate

This can also be the due course of action if the abovementioned steps fail to remove late payments from credit report. If you think that the late payment claims in the credit report are incorrect as far as the credit amount or payment date is concerned, you can attempt to dispute late payments as inaccurate. You can request your creditor to verify the late payments mentioned in the credit report. 

Provided they are unable to do so, the negative entry would be removed. Not only will this help you to easily remove your late payments but will certainly improve your credit score. And a good credit score will eventually increase the amount of credit you can get in the future.


Once, following any of the steps mentioned you are able to remove late payments from your credit report it’s important to re check the credit report to make sure the alterations are in place. You can get your credit report copy directly from the agency or from the annual credit report website.

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