
Credit Repair Business: Get Rid of Your Customers Problems Once and For All

This content is a transcript of the video above.

In this video, I’m going to show you four traffic outlets for Credit Repair Business, that’s going to help you grow your Credit Repair business if you know how to use these outlets correctly. Now, let me show you what I’m talking about. 

1. Quora

Now the first outlet I want to show you for your Credit Repair Business is Quora. Now, some of you may have known about Quora and some of you may not. This is a platform that allows people to post questions and then people experts come in and answer those questions. Now when they answer the questions on Quora, they get exposure by continually answering questions. People think that they’re the expert in this particular area.

Now this is a powerful platform, because now Quora allows you to advertise your Credit Repair Business in front of all of the customers who are asking questions. Now this is very important, because once you run ads on Quora, your ad, your service, your product will be in front of these consumers who are asking real time questions at that particular time. 


This is one platform that you can definitely get exposure on for your Credit Repair Business., if you have a little money to run your ads. As little as $5 a day, you can get exposure on Quora regarding your services that you’re offering. Let’s look at the second one.

2. Taboola. 


The second platform is TaboolaNow, this platform is what we call a native ad platform. What does that mean? Have you seen a lot of those news sites where you’re reading some news and then all of a sudden, you see these articles that’s embedded. Now these articles look like real articles, but really, they’re promoted articles.


Just imagine if you wanted to promote something. Like say for example, you wanted to promote the seven ways of improving your credit score, so you can get into your new home. You would write that article, and you would post it here and they will boost it for you for $10 a day.


Now, this platform is what we call a native ad platform. What does that mean? Have you seen a lot of those news sites where you’re reading some news and then all of a sudden, you see these articles that’s embedded. Now these articles look like real articles, but really, they’re promoted articles.


Just imagine if you wanted to promote something. Like say for example, you wanted to promote the seven ways of improving your credit score, so you can get into your new home. You would write that article, and you would post it here and they will boost it for you for $10 a day.

That article can get exposure in front of a lot of consumers, who are typing in keywords on how to improve their credit score. Your article will appear, and this is how you can get exposure regarding your article. As long as you have a call of action inside of your article, it will drive the customer back to your landing page or back to your website.


Taboola… I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing it right, but this is another platform where you can get exposure for your particular service or your product. Now, let’s take a look at one more. 

3. Instagram


Now the next one we’re going to look at is… a lot of you guys probably know about it, I don’t know if you’re marketing on Instagram or not.


Instagram also has some great marketing options for you as well. You have to be strategic when you’re marketing on these platforms. You just don’t want to throw money at these platforms, if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing when you’re marketing on these platforms. Let’s take a look at that.


What we’re going to look at right now, is we’re going to look at Instagram. Now, Instagram, as you already know, you already may have an Instagram profile. I don’t know if you have an Instagram profile, but everyone in our industry should already have an Instagram profile. 


Now with Instagram, in order to run ads on Instagram, you have to have a business account. If you have a personal account, you have to upgrade to a business account, in order to run ads on Instagram. Now one of the key things with Instagram, is that you can boost posts. 


One of the key factors with Instagram, is that if you have a good video that’s gaining traction, organic traction in your feed of Instagram, you can boost that and reach more people.


All you have to do is feed the engine, which is Facebook. Again, you have to be strategic when you’re running ads on Instagram as well. Instagram is another platform that you can use to get in front of people, to get exposure and to build your brand in order to get more people.

4. Facebook


Now you can never say that, “I cannot reach more people outside of Facebook, or I don’t know where my customers are coming from,” because I’m giving you the platforms right now. All right, and lastly is the big boy, and that’s Facebook.


Now, Facebook has all kind of different marketing objectives that you can us. Anywhere from stories to messaging, to advertising in front of groups, to remarketing. They have all kind of methods on how you can use advertising.

Here’s the thing with Facebook, you have to be very strategic as well when you’re advertising on Facebook. You can’t just run an ad on Facebook and expect results. You have to know exactly what you’re doing. You have to know the right ad copy. You have to know who you’re going to target. 


You have to know how to warm the audience up. You have to have your landing page ready. There are so many factors that you have to have in place, in order to be successful on Facebook. You see, a lot of people think they can just run ads on Facebook and just automatically be successful, which is absolutely wrong. Now, I’ve been running ads on Facebook for such a long time. 


You have to be careful when you’re running ads on Facebook. You have to do it the right way. Now, can you be successful on Facebook? Yes. Is your audience on Facebook? Yes.


Do you know how to get in front of this audience on Facebook? That is the question, and that is the thing that sometimes it takes a long time to master. I would not waste money on Facebook, unless I understand step-by-step moves on how to get your message in front of the right people. 


Now, all of the distribution channels are out here for you to grow. You’re looking for customers, right? You have a business, so you have to be able to grow your business. Your business is just like any other subscription-based business. You have to know how to get in front of these people, with the correct message.

startup credit repair business

Now, Quora, Taboola, Taboola or Taboola or however you pronounce the name, Instagram and Facebook are outlets. Are distribution outlets that will help you get in front of the people that you’re trying to reach. Now here’s the thing. I want to show you something else. 


One more last thing. Now like I said, with Facebook, you have to be very strategic. You have to use step-by-step strategies in order to grow with Facebook. Now, I want to let you know about an event that I’m having. It’s an online event that I’m having through Zoom. Let me show you. It’s a seven-hour course online.


In this course, I’m going to teach you step-by-step strategies. Every move that I know on how to utilize Facebook to generate leads on a daily basis, it’s a step-by-step system. You will spend seven hours with me on Saturday, April 11th, from 9:00 AM PST to 5:00 PM PST. We’re going to go over every step, every move. I’m going to take you through every single thing you need to know, step-by-step, okay? 


Step-by-step, there’s not going to be no summary. It’s going to be interactive. There’s going to be flow charts. I’m going to show you every move that you need to take, in order to be successful with Facebook.

Now, this is only one strategy that I’m going to take you through, because Facebook is very deep. You have to know all the moves, in order to be successful on Facebook. As you can see, I teach you all of the strategies. Now, if you want to just attend the event online, that’s fine. It’s $97.If you want the replay, which I recommend, along with the live event, it’s $147. 



Now, this price is not going to always be like that, so grab it as soon as possible before the price goes up. Now, this is everything you’re going to learn in this event. All right, you don’t have to travel anywhere. You can train from your home, at your own pace.


Everything is going to be online. It’s going to be recorded. All right, everything right here, receive step-by-step instructions on every move. From learning how to target the correct audience, from learning how to use landing pages, booking schedules, sales calls, the message automation. 



Every single thing you need to know about setting up this Facebook lead generation capture system, is going to be in this class that I’m having. April 11th, at 9:00 AM in the morning to 5:00 PM. We’re going to have a one-hour break. There’s going to be interactive. We’re going to talk about videos, how to use videos the right way.


We’re going to talk about the messaging. I’m going to give you the moves. I’m going to give you a system. I’m going to give you the flow on everything you need to do. All right, this is a seven-hour course. I highly suggest that you get your ticket as soon as possible, before we close the doors. Now, we may close the doors. 

Once we reach a certain amount of people, we may close the doors, because I need to be able to interact with a lot of the customers. I don’t want too many people on this event, because I won’t be able to interact with everybody. All right, again, this is Mark Clayborne, the Motivational Marketing Expert. This video is sponsored by the Client Dispute Manager Software. Again, get your ticket for this course as soon as possible. Take care.

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