
Build Dispute Letters for the Creditors Fast

client dispute manager software dispute letter


A creditor is an individual or institution that extends credit to another party to borrow money. A creditor could be a bank, supplier, or a person to whom money is owed. Creditors are commonly classified as personal or real.


Personal creditors – These are friends or family you owe money to.


Real creditors – These are banks or finance companies that have legal contracts and loan agreements with the borrower that grant the lender the right to claim any of the debtor’s real assets or collateral if the loan is unpaid.


Being a credit repair specialist, you must know how hard it is to balance and maintain good credit scores. Using the credit report of your customer, you should review it closely to find any errors and dispute them by using software like Client Dispute Manager Software. It could be inaccurate late or missed payments or bad debts that are still showing on your customer’s credit report.

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To create disputes for creditors inside the credit repair software, go to the dispute manager.

client dispute manager software creditor screen


Click creditors.

credit repair software dispute letter


Under Furnisher, choose the account you want to build a dispute letter for.

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No need to fill out the following in the Client Dispute Manager Software:

  • Account Number
  • Account type
  • Balance
  • Date Added


The information will automatically populate in the  credit repair software after selecting the account you would like to work on.

client dispute manager dispute letter for creditors


In disputing with creditors, make sure to include their addresses.
Click the address search to include the address.

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A box showing the creditors’ and collectors’ addresses will pop up.

client dispute manager software dispute letter for creditor


Use the search box to look for the creditor’s address.

dispute letter screen on client dispute manager software


Select the right address.

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Then click add selected address to letter.

CDMS letter for creditor screen
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Next, choose your reason.

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You have 2 options in selecting the reason for your letter

  • Use the default reasons that we do have inside the Client Dispute Manager Software

CDMS dispute letter for creditor


  • Or create your own reason by clicking custom reason in the credit repair software.

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You may also include instructions in your letters.

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Now, it’s time to choose your dispute letter.

Choose Dispute Flow Letters and then pick your letter.

client dispute manager software dispute letter screen


After choosing your letter click add your dispute.

credit repair letter for creditor


The letter will be prepared and will show up on the grid below.

CDMS creditor dispute letter


Select the letters from the grid by clicking the check box.

credit repair software letter for creditor dispute


Click send to print button.

best credit repair software dispute letter for creditor


The Client Dispute Manager Software will help you become more efficient and organized when disputing with the collectors.

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