Incredibly Useful Automated Emails For Businesses

credit dispute manager software automated email


Automated email, also referred to as “triggered email,” is a process of sending emails that reach the right contact with the right message. Automated email allows you to automatically send real-time messages to any user using Credit Dispute Manager Software.


If you are about to start your own credit repair business or you’ve been in business for a while now, you should know that customers are the heart and soul of your business.


Undoubtedly, you want to keep them happy and engaged. Hence, they continue doing business with you, maintaining your harmonious relationship with them.


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One of the best ways to stay connected with them would be through automated emails. In the credit dispute manager software, we have some default automated email templates you can use and edit simultaneously.


Some examples of automated emails could be a welcome email sent to your customer, thank-you emails, notification emails, and many more.


To access and edit the automated emails in the credit dispute manager software, follow the steps below:


 First, you need to go to the company tab.

Put Email Address And Preferred Sender Name


Then under the company tab, go to manage emails.

manage emails on credit dispute manager software


Then you’ll be routed to the manage emails screen, where you can organize your emails sent to your customers in the credit dispute manager software.


Here, you will see the automated templates.

Automated Templates On best software for credit repair


These are the automated email templates of credit dispute manager software.

Automated Email Templates On software for credit repair


If you want to edit a specific automated template, click the pencil icon.

Pencil Icon On software for credit


Then click the eye icon if you want to view the template.

Eye Icon On credit Dispute Manager Software


You can click this one to check all the emails sent in the credit dispute manager software.

Check All The Emails Sent On Client Dispute Manager Software
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Then if you click this one, you’ll see all the bounced emails.

See All The Bounced Emails Icon On software for credit repair


If you’re having issues with your email, like problems with emails going out to your employees and customers, the same goes for your customer or employee email. You can read this section under “company/email” for reference.

Read This Section Under Company/Email For Reference On credit Dispute Manager Software


You can also register your company email address under “manage emails” to send emails from that address. Over here, we do have the steps that you need to follow to register your company email address.

Register Your Company Email Address On credit Dispute Manager Software


Over here, inside the box where you can put your email address and your preferred sender name.

Put Email Address And Preferred Sender Name


Most of us nowadays use email regularly. That’s why automated emails benefit both the company and its customers. It gives customers what they want and improves customer retention rates. In other words, automated emails are a viable way to reach out to most of any company’s customers using Client Dispute Manager Software.


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