4 Tough Questions Clients Ask Credit Repair Agents

Credit Repair Agents

Whether you work as an individual credit repair agent or you’re affiliated with an agency or firm, there will be many different instances where clients ask you some tough questions. You can’t avoid them or oversell and embellish the truthful answers to these questions–all you can do is be prepared.

Here are some of the toughest questions you can expect clients to ask you at some point of your career or the other:

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1. What Qualifications Do You Have?

Perhaps the most intriguing part about becoming a credit repair agent is that you don’t require specific educational backgrounds or formal training. Understanding the credit system and some well-rounded training and certifications in credit repair can help you become a credit agent, and that’s definitely something you should be honest with your clients about. Just because you don’t hold a degree in credit repair doesn’t mean you can’t help them.

2. How Will You Deal With Credit Bureaus for Me?

Every agent has a specific way of dealing with credit bureaus, but absolutely non-negotiable is having the skills and abilities to stay in their good books. When a client asks you how you plan to deal with credit bureaus, walk them through your process, from contacting them to drafting letters and setting up meetings. It’s not a court battle and doesn’t need to be glamorized unnecessarily.

3. Can You Guarantee An Increase in My Credit Score?

It’s actually illegal for credit repair agents to lie or exaggerate the extent to which you can help your clients, which is why if a client asks you this question, let them know in simple terms that there are no guarantees. Some clients may be easier to help than others, and as a credit repair agent, your most significant task is to remove negative and inaccurate items from your clients’ reports, not map out a trajectory for an increase in their scores.

4. What Should I Do To Improve My Credit Score During This Time?

While it’s true that you’re not a financial analyst or advisor, but as a credit repair agent, you have enough insight and understanding of your client’s spending habits and financial health. Be specific about your recommendations and advice, but ensure that clients understand that these are not set in stone. You’re there to help repair their credit, not transform their financial health from scratch.

Being a credit repair specialist is not an easy feat in the least, and not all clients are a walk in the park either. It’s not always possible to help clients the way you want, and unfortunately, that’s a difficult reality of the job. However, you can continue to upgrade your skill-set and improve your practice through our credit repair software and training, which will help you run a successful credit repair business. Reach out for more information about our services and products.

: Now that you have read this article, why not take your new skill and start your own credit business helping others? We have free training that can help you do just that.
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